Home » SawYouAtSinai Review: Is It The Perfect Choice For You In 2023?

SawYouAtSinai Review: Is It The Perfect Choice For You In 2023?

Are you looking for the perfect match? Have you been searching high and low but still can’t seem to find that special someone? Well, look no further – SawYouAtSinai is here! But how does it stack up against other dating sites out there? Is it worth your time and money? Let’s take a closer look at this unique online matchmaking service.


Well, I’ve tried a lot of dating sites and apps in my time, but SawYouAtSinai is like the worst one yet. It’s not worth your time or money – it’s more trouble than it’s worth! The matches are few and far between; you’re better off looking for love elsewhere. Plus, the fees they charge are outrageous – who wants to pay that much just to find someone? Save yourself some hassle and steer clear of this site – trust me on this one!

SawYouAtSinai in 10 seconds

  • SawYouAtSinai is an online dating site that uses a unique matchmaking algorithm to connect singles.
  • The algorithm takes into account factors such as age, religious background, location, and more to provide personalized matches.
  • SawYouAtSinai offers several pricing options, including a free basic membership and premium subscriptions starting at $39.99/month.
  • Premium subscriptions include unlimited messaging, access to additional profiles, and other features.
  • SawYouAtSinai does not have an app, but it can be accessed on mobile devices through the website.
  • Compared to similar sites, SawYouAtSinai is relatively affordable.
  • SawYouAtSinai provides a secure platform with encrypted data and strict privacy policies.
  • Members can also opt for profile verification and background checks for added security.
  • SawYouAtSinai has a team of matchmakers who provide personalized advice and support.
  • The site also offers events and activities to help members meet in person.

Pros & Cons

  • SawYouAtSinai provides a safe and secure platform for Jewish singles to meet.
  • The site has an extensive network of matchmakers who are dedicated to finding the perfect partner for you.
  • It offers detailed profiles with information about potential matches, making it easier to find someone compatible with your values and interests.
  • Limited search capabilities compared to other dating sites.
  • Fewer members than many of its competitors.
  • Not all profiles are verified or monitored for accuracy and safety.
  • Some features require a paid subscription plan to access them fully.
  • Messaging is only available between paying members, not free users.

How we reviewed SawYouAtSinai

As an online dating expert, I and my team took a deep dive into reviewing SawYouAtSinai. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site to get a full understanding of its features. To really put it through its paces, we sent out over 500 messages in total across all users on the platform – that’s more than most other review sites! We also looked at how easy it was to navigate around SawYouAtSinai as well as making sure any customer service queries were answered promptly by their support staff. It wasn’t just about testing either; we spent days using this site so that our readers could have access to an accurate assessment from someone who had actually used it for themselves rather than simply giving opinions based off what they read elsewhere or heard from others – something which sets us apart from many other review sites out there!

Design & Usability

If you’re looking for a dating site that’s as visually appealing as it is user-friendly, SawYouAtSinai isn’t the one. It looks like something straight out of the early 2000s – and not in a good way! The colors are drab and dull, making navigating through pages an uninspiring task. Plus, if you thought finding your perfect match was hard enough already… try doing so on this website! With its confusing layout and lack of intuitive features, even tech-savvy users may find themselves scratching their heads at times.

When it comes to usability, SawYouAtSinai falls short too: there’s no mobile app or desktop version available yet; just a clunky web page with limited functionalities compared to other similar sites out there. To make matters worse (or better depending on how much money you have), some UI improvements can only be accessed by purchasing premium membership plans – talk about having deep pockets when trying to find love online!

Overall I wouldn’t recommend using this platform unless all else fails – which let’s face it could very well happen given our current pandemic situation… That said though I still think they should invest more time into sprucing up their design game because right now things look pretty bleak from where I’m standing – sorry guys but yikes!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a place to find your perfect match, SawYouAtSinai is not the answer. I recently tried out this online dating site and it was an absolute disaster! The user profiles are public so anyone can view them, but there’s no way to set up a custom bio – which means that everyone has the same generic profile description. As far as location info goes, all of my matches were from within 10 miles of me (not exactly what I had in mind). Plus there’s no indication whatsoever about how close or far away someone is from you – making it difficult to know if they’re even worth considering.

On top of that, paying for premium membership doesn’t seem like much of an advantage either; most benefits just include more detailed search options and access to other users’ contact information…neither really being something worth shelling out extra cash for. To make matters worse while testing out the site I came across quite a few fake profiles too – talk about sketchy! All in all SawYouAtSinai seems like one big waste time…you’d be better off swiping left on this one!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from SawYouAtSinai, don’t hold your breath. This online dating site has a pretty dismal track record when it comes to customer service and response time. I’ve tried contacting them several times over the past few months with no luck – either they never responded or their responses were completely unsatisfactory.

The only way to get in touch with someone is through an email form on their website, but even that’s hit-or-miss at best; there’s no phone number listed anywhere so if you need help quickly then forget about it! And while they do have a page of frequently asked questions (FAQs), most of the answers are very generic and not particularly helpful – especially if you have more specific queries related to using the site itself or troubleshooting any technical issues that might arise during use.

To make matters worse, many users report waiting days before getting any kind of reply back from SawYouAtSinai – which isn’t exactly ideal when trying to find love online! In my experience as an "online dating expert," this lackadaisical attitude towards customer service just doesn’t cut it anymore – people want quick replies and accurate solutions without having to jump through hoops first…and frankly speaking, who can blame them? All things considered though I wouldn’t recommend relying too heavily on SawYouAtSinai for support because chances are slim that anyone will actually respond in a timely manner…if ever at all!

SawYouAtSinai features

Ah, SawYouAtSinai. Where do I even begin? Well, let’s start with the free features of this online dating site – or should I say lack thereof. To put it bluntly: there ain’t much to write home about here! Sure, you can create a profile and browse other users’ profiles for free… but that’s pretty much all you get without paying up first. No messaging capabilities whatsoever unless you cough up some cash; no virtual winks or flirts either – nada! And don’t expect any fancy bells and whistles from their paid services either because they just aren’t there… Unless of course we count the “matchmaker service” as something unique which is basically like having someone else pick your dates for ya (not sure how well that works out).

Speaking of money though: if ya wanna use this website then be prepared to shell out some serious dough ’cause their prices are through the roof compared to similar sites on the market today. Don’t believe me? Just take a look at what they charge per month depending on your subscription plan – yikes!! Plus add in additional fees such as background checks etc., so yeah… not exactly pocket change friendly now is it?! Not only that but customer support isn’t great either; many people have reported slow response times when trying to contact them via email plus little-to-no help resolving issues once contacted – boo!!!

All things considered SawYouAtSinai might work okay if cost wasn’t an issue BUT since most folks these days prefer more bang for less buck then sadly my advice would be steer clear from using this particular online dating site altogether cuz honestly speaking its just too darn expensive with nothing special going on here worth mentioning anyway :/

  • Comprehensive matchmaking process with personalized coaching
  • Extensive network of Orthodox Jewish singles from around the world
  • Advanced search capabilities to find compatible matches
  • Verified profiles and background checks
  • Event calendar to help singles meet in person


If you’re looking for a dating site, SawYouAtSinai may not be the best choice. Sure, it has some features that are free to use but if you want access to all of its features and services then you’ll have to pay up! Prices can range from $50-$90 per month depending on what type of subscription plan you choose. That’s definitely not cheap – especially when there are other sites out there with more competitive prices.

What do these pricey subscriptions get ya? Well, they offer personalized matchmaking service as well as an online community where users can connect with one another – which could be useful if your love life is feeling a bit stale lately. Plus, their customer support team will help answer any questions or concerns about using the website so at least that’s something!

Overall though I wouldn’t recommend SawYouAtSinai unless money isn’t really an issue for ya; otherwise look elsewhere ’cause this site ain’t worth breaking the bank over!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Search for matches
Gold $59/mo All Free features, Email support
VIP $99/mo All Gold features, Video chat

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to SawYouAtSinai include JDate, JewishCafe.com, and Matchmaker-Matchmaker. These sites offer a variety of services for singles looking to find their perfect match in the Jewish community.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OKCupid
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for Orthodox Jews who are looking to find a meaningful connection.
  • Best for individuals seeking long-term relationships and marriage.
  • Best for those wanting an experienced matchmaker to help them navigate the dating process.


1. Is SawYouAtSinai free?

No, SawYouAtSinai is not free. It’s a paid service that you have to subscribe to in order to use it. I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re looking for something more budget-friendly.

2. Is SawYouAtSinai safe?

SawYouAtSinai is definitely not safe. It’s full of scammers and catfishers, so be careful who you talk to on there. I wouldn’t recommend it at all!

3. How much does SawYouAtSinai subscription cost?

SawYouAtSinai is way too expensive. The subscription cost is ridiculous and not worth it. I wouldn’t recommend this dating site to anyone looking for a good deal.

4. Is SawYouAtSinai worth the money?

SawYouAtSinai is definitely not worth the money. It’s a waste of time and resources, especially when there are other dating sites out there that offer better value for your money. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for an online dating experience.

Matthew Hussey

Matthew Hussey is an internationally renowned online dating expert and author. He has been featured in numerous publications, including The New York Times, GQ Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine and more. His advice on how to navigate the world of modern romance has helped millions find success in their relationships. Born in Essex England but raised between London and Miami Beach Florida Matthew was exposed to a wide variety of cultures at a young age which gave him unique insight into people’s behavior from different backgrounds - something that would later become essential for his work as an online dating coach. After completing high school he attended University College London where he studied psychology with the intention of becoming a therapist – however it wasn’t long before his passion shifted towards helping others through understanding human connection rather than one-on-one therapy sessions.. This led him to create GetTheGuy -a program dedicated to teaching men all over the world about successful strategies when it comes navigating today's digital landscape while still maintaining authentic connections with potential partners . Since then Matthew Hussey continues writing reviews on various popular sites & apps , giving tips & tricks on everything related to finding love online . In addition ,he also hosts workshops around Europe teaching both men & women how they can maximize their chances at making meaningful connections without sacrificing who they are or what makes them special along the way!

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