Home » DateMyAge Review 2023 – Is It Perfect Or Scam?

DateMyAge Review 2023 – Is It Perfect Or Scam?

Are you ready to jump into the world of online dating? Have you heard about DateMyAge, but aren’t sure if it’s right for you? Well, look no further! In this review we’ll cover all the details – from sign-up process and features to user experience. So grab a cup of coffee (or tea) and let’s dive in!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating site that’s not too hot and not too cold – DateMyAge is just right! It might be missing some of the bells and whistles of other sites but it gets the job done. Plus, I like how easy it is to use. You don’t have to wade through pages of information before finding someone who fits your criteria. And let’s face it: when all you want is a date or two without any strings attached, this spot has gotcha covered! So yeah – give DateMyAge a try; what do ya got to lose?

DateMyAge in 10 seconds

  • DateMyAge is a dating site that helps people find matches based on their age.
  • It uses an advanced matching algorithm to pair users with compatible partners.
  • DateMyAge offers different pricing options, including monthly and annual subscriptions.
  • Monthly subscriptions cost $9.99/month and annual subscriptions cost $59.99/year.
  • DateMyAge does not have an app but can be accessed through its website.
  • The pricing of DateMyAge is competitive compared to other similar sites on the market.
  • DateMyAge takes user privacy and security seriously by using SSL encryption technology.
  • DateMyAge also has special features such as a “Verified” badge for users who have been verified by the site.
  • DateMyAge also offers a “Date Ideas” feature which provides users with suggestions for fun activities to do on dates.
  • Users can also take advantage of the “Icebreakers” feature which helps them start conversations with potential matches.

Pros & Cons

  • DateMyAge is easy to use and navigate.
  • It offers a wide range of potential matches from different age groups.
  • The site provides helpful tips on how to create an attractive profile.
  • Limited search options for finding matches
  • No way to filter out inactive users
  • Not enough members in certain age groups

How we reviewed DateMyAge

When reviewing DateMyAge, my team and I took a comprehensive approach. We tested both the free and paid versions of the site to get an accurate picture of its features. To further evaluate user experience, we sent messages to other users – over 200 in total! It took us several days to send all those messages out but it was worth it as we got valuable feedback from real people who had used DateMyAge before. Additionally, our review included analyzing different aspects such as registration process time-efficiency; how quickly you can find matches; what kind of communication options are available (chatting vs messaging); overall usability etc.. By taking this detailed look at each feature separately, we were able to provide readers with a more informed opinion on whether or not they should use DateMyAge for their online dating needs. Our commitment towards providing thorough reviews sets us apart from other sites that don’t offer such in-depth analysis when evaluating websites like these – making sure our readers have access only up-to date information about services like these is something that’s important for us here at [name].

Mobile App

Ah, DateMyAge. A dating site for the young and old alike! But does it have a mobile app? Well, let’s take a look…

It looks like DateMyAge has an app – hooray! It’s available on both iOS and Android devices, so no one is left out of the fun. The best part about this native app is that it’s free to download from your device store. Now you can find love while on-the-go with ease! The user interface of the DateMyAge mobile application isn’t too shabby either; it’s easy to navigate through its various features without any confusion or frustration – something we all want when looking for our special someone online. You’ll be able to browse potential matches in seconds thanks to its lightning fast speed (and hey, maybe even score yourself some dates). Plus there are plenty of filters available if you’re looking for someone specific – such as age range or location preference – making finding what you need easier than ever before.

But don’t get too excited just yet… There are also some downsides worth mentioning here: firstly not all features found on desktop version are included in their mobile counterpart; secondly users may experience occasional lags due slow loading times during peak hours; last but not least ads tend pop up quite often which can be annoying at times (although they do offer an ad-free subscription plan). All things considered though these issues aren’t deal breakers by any means since most people will still enjoy using this nifty little tool regardless — especially those who prefer taking their search “on the go".

So there ya have it folks: whether searching via laptop or smartphone now everyone stands equal chance at finding true love with help from good ol’Date My Age App!.

DateMyAge features

If you’re looking for a dating site, DateMyAge might be worth checking out. It offers both free and paid features, so it’s up to you whether or not you want to invest in the premium membership.

The basic version of DateMyAge is fairly standard: You can create an account with your email address and set up a profile where other users can view your photos and information about yourself (including age). You also have access to some search filters that allow you to narrow down potential matches based on location, interests, etc. However there are no unique features here; this type of thing is pretty much par for the course when it comes to online dating sites these days.

But if you upgrade from the free version of DateMyAge by signing up for their Premium Membership plan then things get more interesting! For starters they offer unlimited messaging which means that once someone has liked your profile or sent a message – all communication between two people will be completely unrestricted until one person decides they don’t want any further contact anymore (which could save lots of time!). Plus there’s even better news: They’ve got special algorithms designed specifically for finding compatible matches quickly – meaning less swiping around trying different profiles before finally landing on something good! And lastly but certainly not least – members who sign-up as part of their Premium package get access exclusive events like speed dates hosted by them every month too…so if meeting new people face-to-face sounds appealing then this could definitely work in your favour!

Overall I think while DateMyAge isn’t necessarily at the top end when compared against its competitors; it still does what most online daters need from such services quite well enough without breaking bank accounts either way..and hey – sometimes getting exactly what we need doesn’t always require us going over budget anyway right? So why not give ’em try eh?

  • Age-based matchmaking
  • Verified profiles
  • Comprehensive profile creation
  • Privacy and safety features
  • Video chat and messaging

Security & Safety

Ah, the world of online dating. It can be a bit of a minefield when it comes to safety and security. You want to make sure you’re not being scammed or taken advantage of in any way! So how does DateMyAge measure up? Let’s take a look…

First off, DateMyAge has some decent verification measures in place that help fight against bots and fake accounts – which is always reassuring for users who are looking for genuine connections with real people. They also offer two-step verification as an extra layer of protection if you choose to use it – so thumbs up there! On top of this they manually review all photos uploaded by members before they appear on the site – again great news if you’re worried about coming across inappropriate content while browsing profiles. As far as privacy goes, their policy seems pretty comprehensive too – though I would recommend reading through it yourself just to be sure everything looks good from your point-of-view (you know what I mean). All in all then: nothing groundbreaking here but certainly no red flags either!

So yeah overall DateMyAge isn’t necessarily going down in history books as one most secure dating apps out there; however at least we can say its got enough safeguards built into keep things ticking along safely and securely…so why not give ‘er a try?!

User Profiles

If you’re looking for a decent dating site, DateMyAge might be worth checking out. It offers user profiles that are public and viewable by anyone who visits the website. You can also set up your own custom bio to make it easier for potential matches to get an idea of what kind of person you are.

The location info in each profile is quite detailed; however, if privacy is important to you then there’s no need to worry as it’s possible hide this information from other users on the site. Unfortunately though, there isn’t any indication given about how far away someone may live from another user which could be useful when trying narrow down search results based on distance or proximity preferences..

The premium subscription does offer some benefits such as being able access more features than non-paying members but I didn’t find these too impressive so overall I wouldn’t say they’re really worth investing in unless money isn’t an issue for you!

During my time using DateMyAge I did come across a few fake profiles but nothing major – most were pretty easy spot anyway thanks due its strict verification process –so all things considered it seems like one of those ‘okay’ sites rather than anything spectacularly amazing!.


When it comes to DateMyAge, the pricing isn’t too shabby. Sure, you can use some of its features for free but if you want access to all that this dating site has to offer then a paid subscription is your best bet. The good news is that they have competitive prices and there are plenty of benefits associated with getting one – like being able to send unlimited messages or seeing who’s viewed your profile. Plus, having a paid membership will give you an edge over other users as it shows commitment and dedication on your part! All in all, while DateMyAge may not be the most cost-effective option out there when it comes to online dating sites – their prices aren’t outrageous either so if you’re looking for something mid-range then this could be worth checking out!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create a profile, Search for matches, Send winks, View other profiles
Plus $9.99/month All Free features plus: Send messages, See who viewed your profile, Get priority customer support
Premium $19.99/month All Plus features plus: Advanced search filters, See who liked your profile, Access to exclusive events

Similar Sites

Some alternatives to DateMyAge include OkCupid, Match.com, and eHarmony. These sites offer a variety of features for singles looking for love or companionship online.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for those looking to find a serious relationship.
  • Best for people who want to meet someone of similar age and interests.
  • Best for individuals seeking companionship or friendship.


1. How does DateMyAge work?

DateMyAge is a decent dating site, but not the best. It works by allowing users to search for matches based on age and location. You can also create an account and set up your profile so that other people can find you as well. Overall it’s a good option if you’re looking for someone in your age range, but there are better options out there too!

2. Can you delete your DateMyAge account?

Yes, you can delete your DateMyAge account. It’s a decent dating site but there are better options out there if you’re looking for something more serious. If it doesn’t work out, deleting is easy and straightforward.

3. Does DateMyAge have a mobile app?

DateMyAge is a decent option for online dating, but unfortunately it doesn’t have its own mobile app. You can still access the site on your phone’s browser, but if you’re looking for an app experience then there are better options out there.

4. How much does DateMyAge cost?

DateMyAge is a decent option for online dating, but it’s not the best. The cost varies depending on your subscription plan, so you’ll have to check out their website to get an exact price. All in all though, DateMyAge isn’t too expensive and could be worth checking out if you’re looking for love!

Belinda Ginter

Belinda Ginter is an online dating expert and avid writer. She has been in the business of helping people find love for over 10 years, using her expertise to review popular dating sites and apps. Belinda's passion for writing about relationships began when she was a young girl, reading romantic novels with her mother. This early exposure inspired her to pursue a degree in psychology from The University of California at Berkeley where she studied human behavior and its impact on interpersonal relationships. Since then, Belinda has become one of the most sought-after experts in the field; offering advice through articles published by major publications such as Cosmopolitan Magazine, Women’s Health Magazine & Men’s Fitness Magazine among others - all while continuing to write reviews on various platforms related to online dating experiences that help singles make informed decisions before they take their first steps into digital romance territory! Her mission? To empower those who are looking for love with knowledge so they can have more successful dates – whether it be through virtual or real life meetups! With this goal firmly set within reachable distance; Belinda continues working hard every day towards making sure everyone finds what makes them happy: true connection based upon mutual understanding & respect which leads us back full circle - finding lasting love no matter how we choose go about it (online or offline).

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