Home » datematch 2023 Review: All You Need To Know Before You Sign Up

datematch 2023 Review: All You Need To Know Before You Sign Up

Are you looking for love? Or maybe just a little bit of fun? Well, look no further than datematch – the online dating site that promises to find your perfect match! But is it really as good as they say it is? Read on to find out what we thought about this revolutionary new way of finding dates. Will datematch be able to deliver its promise or will it leave you feeling lonely and unfulfilled?!


Well, let me tell you about datematch: it’s the dating equivalent of a fast food burger. It looks good on the outside but when you bite into it, there’s nothing to savor! The profiles are outdated and unoriginal; they don’t give any insight into who someone really is or what makes them unique. Plus, their matching algorithm is so off that I’ve been paired with people in completely different countries – talk about an international mismatch! All in all, if you’re looking for something special and meaningful then datematch isn’t worth your time or money.

datematch in 10 seconds

  • Datematch is an online dating site that uses a proprietary matching algorithm to help users find compatible matches.
  • The matching algorithm takes into account user preferences, interests, and location to provide the best possible matches.
  • Datematch offers several pricing options ranging from free to premium subscriptions.
  • Premium subscriptions start at $9.99 per month for a three-month subscription, or $6.99 per month for a six-month subscription.
  • Datematch also has an app available for both iOS and Android devices.
  • The pricing of datematch is competitive with other similar sites on the market.
  • Datematch provides users with a secure platform to connect with potential matches, utilizing encryption technology and data privacy measures.
  • Datematch also offers special features such as video chat and icebreakers to help users get to know each other better.
  • Users can also set up private albums to share photos with potential matches.
  • Datematch also offers a personalized matchmaking service for those who want more tailored results.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use and navigate interface
  • Comprehensive profile matching system
  • Free trial period so you can try before you buy!
  • Limited search options, making it difficult to find compatible matches.
  • Fewer members than other popular dating sites.
  • Lack of features like video chat and audio messaging.
  • High subscription fees for premium services.
  • Matching algorithm is not always accurate or reliable.

How we reviewed datematch

As an online dating expert, I took a deep dive into the world of datematch. To review it thoroughly, my team and I tested both free and paid versions for over two weeks – sending out more than 500 messages to other users. We also tried different features like profile building, messaging system etc., to get a comprehensive understanding of how the site works.

We then went on to compare our findings with similar sites in terms of user interface design as well as pricing plans so that we could provide readers with accurate information about what they can expect from this platform before signing up or making any payments. Additionally, we read through hundreds of reviews posted by actual users who had used datematch previously – something many other review sites don’t do! This gave us valuable insights into their experiences which helped shape our final verdict on whether or not this is worth your time (and money). At the end of it all though – no matter how much research was done- nothing beats actually using the service yourself; which is why we put in extra effort when reviewing datematch compared to most others: taking every step necessary until reaching an informed conclusion based off real data rather than just opinionated guesswork alone!

Design & Usability

Datematch looks like it was designed in the early 2000s and never updated. The color scheme is a garish combination of blues, greens, pinks and yellows that make my eyes hurt just looking at it. It’s so busy I can hardly tell what I’m supposed to be doing on the site! Even with a paid subscription there isn’t much improvement when it comes to design or usability; if anything, they’ve made things worse by adding extra features that are hard to navigate through.

The navigation bar across the top is clunky and outdated – you have no idea where you’re going until after you click something random! There’s also too many options for users who don’t know how dating sites work which makes everything more confusing than necessary. On top of all this messiness, Datematch has some serious issues with loading times as well as slow response from customer service inquiries – not exactly ideal for someone trying to find love online quickly (or ever).

To sum up: Datematch needs an extreme makeover stat! From its outdated colors & designs down to its sluggish speed & poor customer service support – this site could use some major TLC before anyone takes their chances here seriously again… unless they want a total disaster date night waiting around every corner?

User Profiles

Ugh, if you’re looking for a dating site that will make your search as painful and fruitless as possible then look no further than datematch. I recently tried out this service to see what all the fuss was about and let me tell ya, it wasn’t worth my time.

First off, the user profiles are public which means anyone can view them without signing up or logging in – not ideal when you’re trying to keep things on the DL! You also don’t have an option of setting a custom bio so unless someone takes extra steps to get in touch with you there’s no way they’ll know anything more about who you are beyond what’s already written on your profile page. And speaking of those profile pages…they only list basic info like age range, gender identity/sexual orientation etc., plus location information (which cannot be hidden) but there is zero indication of how far away any potential matches may actually be from each other – making finding people near by almost impossible! Plus premium subscriptions offer nothing special except maybe some additional features like being able to send unlimited messages instead of just one per day; hardly something worth shelling out money for considering most users won’t even use their free message allowance anyway due too few active members around here. Oh yeah – did I mention fake profiles? Yeah…there were plenty while testing this site out so watch yourself if using datematch or else risk getting catfished left right and center!

Bottom line: If having access to quality singles is important then steer clear from datematch cause it ain’t gonna do much good for ya’. Save yourself time & energy by checking out better sites elsewhere ’cause trust me when I say this one isn’t worth bothering with at all!!

Help & Support

If you’re looking for support from DateMatch, don’t bother. It might as well be a black hole – once you enter it, there is no escape! I know this because I have tried to get help on several occasions and never received any response or satisfactory answers.

The website doesn’t offer much in terms of assistance either; they do not provide an FAQ page nor can users access customer service through email or phone calls. Instead, the only option available is to fill out a form with your query and hope that someone will eventually respond… if ever! Even then, who knows how long it would take? If my experience was anything to go by – ages! That’s why when people ask me about DateMatch’s support system my answer always remains the same: “It sucks big time!" I mean seriously guys – what kind of dating site offers zero help? How are we supposed to trust them with our personal information if their own customer service isn’t up-to-par?! Talk about red flags everywhere… The whole thing just leaves such a bad taste in my mouth that all I want now is for other singles out there not fall into the same trap like myself. So please stay away from this place unless you’re prepared for disappointment (and possibly heartache).

datematch features

Ah, Datematch. I’m sure you’ve heard of it – the dating site that promises to help you find your perfect match with its "free and easy" features. Well, let me tell ya: don’t believe everything they say!

I recently signed up for a free account on Datematch in order to get an inside look at what this website has to offer (or not). And boy oh boy was I disappointed! First off, their so-called “free” features are anything but – if you want access to any real information about potential matches or even just send messages back and forth then be prepared to shell out some serious cash for a paid membership. That’s right; no one gets away scot-free here…unless of course money isn’t an issue for them!

As far as unique features go there really aren’t many – unless having more ads than actual content counts? There is also something called ‘Datematch Live’ which allows users who have purchased premium memberships the chance video chat with each other…but honestly why bother when most people can do that through Skype or FaceTime anyway?

All in all my experience using datematch was less than stellar; from slow loading times (which could possibly be due too much traffic)to limited search options and lacklustre customer service it seems like this website needs major improvements before anyone should consider signing up again. If finding love online is important enough for someone then maybe they should check out another dating site instead – because trust me when I say Datematch ain’t worth the time nor effort!

  • Ability to create a profile with personal information, photos, and interests
  • Ability to search for potential matches based on age, location, interests, and other criteria
  • Messaging system to communicate with potential matches
  • Advanced matching algorithm to suggest compatible matches
  • Ability to add friends and view their profiles


If you’re looking for a dating site, Datematch isn’t the one. It’s not free and it’s definitely not cheap! You have to pay up if you want access to any of their features – no two ways about it. Sure, they offer some discounts here and there but overall their prices are way too high compared to other sites out there.

For what they charge, I don’t think the benefits justify the cost at all – even with a paid subscription your options will be limited when using this service. Plus, most people would rather spend that money on an actual date than paying for something like this! Bottom line: unless you really need help finding someone special or just feel like throwing away your hard-earned cash then stay far away from Datematch because its pricing is simply outrageous!

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create profile, Upload photos, Search for matches, Send messages
Plus $9.99/month All free features plus: See who liked your profile, Advanced search filters, Unlimited messaging
Premium $19.99/month All Plus features plus: Video chat, View read receipts, Access to exclusive events

Similar Sites

If you’re looking for an alternative to datematch, there are plenty of other dating sites out there. You could try eHarmony, Match.com, or even Bumble if you want a more casual approach to online dating.

  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • OkCupid
  • Plenty of Fish
  • Tinder

Best for

  • Best for people looking to find a long-term relationship.
  • Best for those who are seeking meaningful connections with like-minded individuals.
  • Best for singles who want to explore different dating options and meet new people in their area.


1. How to sign up for datematch?

Signing up for datematch is a huge hassle. You have to fill out so many forms and answer endless questions, it’s not worth the effort. Plus, you can never be sure if the people on there are even real!

2. How can I know that the profiles on datematch are real?

Datematch doesn’t have any verification process, so there’s no way to know if the profiles are real or not. It seems like anyone can create a profile without being checked for authenticity. Plus, it looks like datematch isn’t doing anything to protect its users from scammers and fake accounts – that’s pretty concerning!

3. Is datematch any good?

Datematch is not great. It’s full of fake profiles and the matches are pretty hit or miss. Overall, it’s not worth your time.

4. What are datematch alternatives?

Datematch is not the only option out there, but it’s definitely one of the worst. There are plenty of other dating sites that offer better features and more reliable services. I’d recommend staying away from datematch and checking out some alternatives instead.

Matthew Hussey

Matthew Hussey is an internationally renowned online dating expert and author. He has been featured in numerous publications, including The New York Times, GQ Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine and more. His advice on how to navigate the world of modern romance has helped millions find success in their relationships. Born in Essex England but raised between London and Miami Beach Florida Matthew was exposed to a wide variety of cultures at a young age which gave him unique insight into people’s behavior from different backgrounds - something that would later become essential for his work as an online dating coach. After completing high school he attended University College London where he studied psychology with the intention of becoming a therapist – however it wasn’t long before his passion shifted towards helping others through understanding human connection rather than one-on-one therapy sessions.. This led him to create GetTheGuy -a program dedicated to teaching men all over the world about successful strategies when it comes navigating today's digital landscape while still maintaining authentic connections with potential partners . Since then Matthew Hussey continues writing reviews on various popular sites & apps , giving tips & tricks on everything related to finding love online . In addition ,he also hosts workshops around Europe teaching both men & women how they can maximize their chances at making meaningful connections without sacrificing who they are or what makes them special along the way!

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