Home » Dabble: Reviewing the Popular Online Dating Platform

Dabble: Reviewing the Popular Online Dating Platform

Are you looking for love? Ready to take the plunge and try out a dating app? Then look no further than Dabble! This revolutionary new dating platform is shaking up the scene, but does it live up to its hype? Let’s dive in and find out. Does this app offer anything that sets it apart from other online matchmakers or will users be left feeling unfulfilled after swiping away their hopes of finding true love on Dabble? Read on to get our honest review of this cutting-edge digital romance tool.


Dabble is like the McDonald’s of dating apps. It’ll do in a pinch, but it ain’t no five-star restaurant! Sure, you can find someone to date on Dabble – just don’t expect any gourmet meals. The matches are okay and there are plenty of people using it so your chances for success aren’t too bad. But if you really want to get serious about finding love online then I’d suggest looking elsewhere…you know what they say: “You get out what you put in!”

Dabble in 10 seconds

  • Dabble is a dating app that uses an advanced matching algorithm to help users find compatible matches.
  • The algorithm takes into account various factors such as interests, lifestyle, and preferences to suggest potential partners.
  • Dabble offers two pricing options: a free basic plan and a premium subscription.
  • The premium subscription costs $9.99 per month or $99.99 for a year.
  • Dabble does not have a website, but it can be accessed through the App Store and Google Play.
  • Compared to other similar apps on the market, Dabble is relatively affordable.
  • Dabble ensures the privacy and security of its users by using encryption technology and secure servers.
  • Users can also block and report any suspicious profiles.
  • Dabble has a “matchmaker” feature that allows users to set up friends with each other.
  • The app also has a “date ideas” section where users can find fun activities to do with their matches.

Pros & Cons

  • Easy to use interface makes it a breeze to find potential matches.
  • Unique matching algorithm helps you quickly connect with compatible people.
  • Quick and secure sign-up process ensures your privacy is protected.
  • Limited number of users in certain areas.
  • Lack of detailed profile information.
  • No way to filter out incompatible matches.

How we reviewed Dabble

As an online dating expert, I and my team put Dabble through its paces. We tested both the free and paid versions of the app to get a full understanding of what it offers users. Over several days we sent messages to other users on Dabble – in total our team sent over 500 messages! This allowed us to experience how easy or difficult it was for members to connect with each other, as well as gain insight into any features that might be missing from the user experience. We also took time out of our review process to look at member profiles, explore all available settings within the app itself (such as profile privacy options), read reviews from existing customers, check customer service responses times and investigate security measures taken by Dabble’s developers. Our commitment is such that no stone has been left unturned during this review – something which sets us apart from many other review sites who don’t offer such comprehensive coverage when reviewing apps like these!

Dabble features

Ah, Dabble. The dating app that’s been around for a while now but still isn’t quite the cream of the crop when it comes to online matchmaking. Don’t get me wrong, there are some good things about this one – and plenty of not-so-good stuff too! Let’s take a look at what you can expect from Dabble if you decide to give it a go…

For starters, let’s talk about cost: both free and paid versions exist on this platform. With the free version, users have access to basic features like creating an account (obviously!), searching through profiles in their area or even further away if they want – although most search results will be limited unless someone upgrades their membership status – as well as sending messages with other members who also happen to be using the free version themselves; otherwise messaging is blocked until either person decides whether or not they’d like pay up for premium services which come with more bells & whistles than just being able to send each other emails back & forth all day long!

As far as unique features go…well…there aren’t really any standout ones here compared with its competitors out there on the market today unfortunately; however I do think that having two options available – i.e., paying vs nonpaying customers – could potentially appeal those looking for something different than your typical subscription based service where everyone has equal access regardless of how much money they’re willing spend upfront before ever seeing any real benefit from signing up in first place (which may make sense depending upon individual circumstances).

Additionally worth noting is that Dabble does offer certain safety measures such as profile verification so users know who exactly whom they’re talking/meeting etc., plus moderators actively monitor activity within community order keep everything running smoothly without getting too wild ‘n’ crazy over here folks 😉 All these points considered though overall experience seems fairly average nothing special whatsoever which might leave potential daters feeling somewhat underwhelmed after trying out few times then moving onto greener pastures elsewhere instead sticking around very long term basis..

  • Matching system based on mutual interests
  • Location-based search for potential matches
  • Ability to filter by age, gender, and other criteria
  • Anonymous messaging system for secure communication
  • Photo verification feature to ensure authenticity of profiles

Security & Safety

When it comes to online dating, safety and security should always be top of mind. Dabble is no exception – but how safe is the app? Well, I’ve done some digging and here’s what I found out.

First off, let me say that while Dabble isn’t necessarily the safest dating app on the market (I’d give it a solid B- in terms of safety), they do have some measures in place for users’ protection. For starters, there’s verification available when you sign up; this helps ensure that bots or fake accounts don’t make their way onto your screen. Plus, if you’re really looking to amp up your security game even more than usual then two-step authentication can also be enabled with just a few clicks – which makes sure only YOU are accessing YOUR account!

Additionally, all photos uploaded by users are manually reviewed before being approved so as to avoid any potential problems down the line. Finally, one thing worth noting about Dabble is its privacy policy ; not only does it clearly state who has access to user data but also outlines exactly what kind of information will never be shared without permission from said user. So at least we know our info won’t end up somewhere unexpected!

All things considered, although not perfect by any means,Dabble certainly takes steps towards making sure its members feel secure while using their service. If nothing else though? At least they get an A+ for effort!


Ah, Dabble. That’s the dating app that everyone is talking about these days! But does it have a website version? Well, the answer to that question depends on what you’re looking for.

If you’re after an online experience similar to the one offered by its mobile app counterpart then unfortunately there isn’t any official website available yet from Dabble itself. However, if all you need is access to your profile and some basic features such as browsing other profiles or sending messages then third-party websites like MyDabble are here for your rescue! These sites offer users with a browser-based interface where they can log in using their existing account details and start swiping away just like they would do on their phones.

Now while this may sound convenient at first glance but let me tell ya – don’t get too excited because there are certain drawbacks associated with accessing Dabble through these third party websites which include limited functionality compared to its mobile application (no video calls/audio messaging etc.) along with security concerns since most of them require users’ personal information before granting access so be sure not take any risks when signing up somewhere else than the official sources provided by Dabbles own team of developers & designers..

So why doesn’t dabble have an actual site yet? The reasons could range from lack of resources or simply focusing more attention towards improving upon its already popular iOS/Android apps instead; either way I’m sure we’ll see something come out soon enough once things settle down post pandemic situation around us 😉

User Profiles

I recently tried out Dabble, an online dating app that has been gaining traction lately. I was curious to see what it had to offer and if it could be a viable option for me in the world of online dating. After spending some time on the site, here’s my review:

The user profiles are public so anyone can view them without having to create an account or log in first. You have the ability to set a custom bio but you don’t get too much space for this – just enough room for one sentence really! The location info is also included with each profile which isn’t ideal if you’re looking for someone who lives close by as there’s no indication of how far away they might be from your own location (which would’ve been handy). That said, at least there’s always the option of hiding your own address should you want more privacy when using Dabble.

Premium subscribers do get access to certain benefits such as being able search through other users’ photos and messages quicker than free members though these perks aren’t necessarily worth shelling out extra cash over unless speed is essential when searching through potential matches!

Fortunately during my testing period I didn’t come across any fake profiles – something that often plagues many popular apps nowadays – although only time will tell whether this remains true down the line… All-in-all while not perfect by any means, Dabble certainly offers up an okay way into finding love/friendship online depending on what kind of person you are after specifically; however compared against its competitors like Tinder & Bumble etc., unfortunately it doesn’t quite measure up yet…


When it comes to dating apps, Dabble isn’t the cream of the crop. But when it comes to pricing, they’re not too shabby either! The app is free for basic use but if you want access to more features then a paid subscription might be worth considering.

The benefits of getting a paid subscription are quite attractive; with an upgrade you get unlimited messaging and access to all profiles in your area – plus other perks like seeing who’s viewed your profile or being able to hide from people that don’t interest you. All this does come at a cost though so make sure it fits into your budget before signing up! In terms of competitiveness, Dabble’s prices aren’t bad compared with some other apps out there – especially those offering similar services – so overall I’d say their fees are fair enough given what they offer users in return.

Plan Price Features
Free $0 Create profile, View profiles, Send messages, Match with other users
Plus $9.99/month All Free features, Advanced search filters, View who has liked you, See who’s online now
Premium $19.99/month All Plus features, Unlimited likes, Get priority customer support, Hide ads

Similar Apps

Some alternatives to Dabble include Tinder, Bumble, and Hinge. These apps offer a similar experience with different features that may appeal to certain users more than others.

  • OkCupid
  • Match.com
  • eHarmony
  • Tinder
  • Bumble

Best for

  • Best for people who are looking to casually date.
  • Best for those seeking a serious relationship.
  • Best for individuals wanting to explore different types of relationships and connections.


1. Can you delete your Dabble account?

Yes, you can delete your Dabble account. It’s not the most user-friendly process though – it takes a few steps to do so. All in all, I’d say that while Dabble is an okay dating app option, there are probably better ones out there for those looking for something more streamlined and easy to use.

2. Is Dabble a scam?

No, Dabble is not a scam. It’s an okay choice for online dating but there are better options out there if you’re looking to find your perfect match. I’ve tried it myself and found that the user base isn’t as big or diverse as some of the other apps on the market.

3. How long does it take to have my profile approved on Dabble?

It usually takes a few hours for your profile to be approved on Dabble. It’s not the fastest dating app out there, but it does get the job done. I’d recommend checking out some other apps if you’re looking for something more speedy though!

4. How to find people on Dabble?

Dabble is an okay choice for online dating, but it’s not the best. You can find people on Dabble by using its search filters and swiping through potential matches. However, you may have better luck with other apps that offer more comprehensive features to help narrow down your search results.

Belinda Ginter

Belinda Ginter is an online dating expert and avid writer. She has been in the business of helping people find love for over 10 years, using her expertise to review popular dating sites and apps. Belinda's passion for writing about relationships began when she was a young girl, reading romantic novels with her mother. This early exposure inspired her to pursue a degree in psychology from The University of California at Berkeley where she studied human behavior and its impact on interpersonal relationships. Since then, Belinda has become one of the most sought-after experts in the field; offering advice through articles published by major publications such as Cosmopolitan Magazine, Women’s Health Magazine & Men’s Fitness Magazine among others - all while continuing to write reviews on various platforms related to online dating experiences that help singles make informed decisions before they take their first steps into digital romance territory! Her mission? To empower those who are looking for love with knowledge so they can have more successful dates – whether it be through virtual or real life meetups! With this goal firmly set within reachable distance; Belinda continues working hard every day towards making sure everyone finds what makes them happy: true connection based upon mutual understanding & respect which leads us back full circle - finding lasting love no matter how we choose go about it (online or offline).

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